InvestIN: The Ultimate Work Experience

We deliver immersive career experiences so that you can test-drive your dream career before you leave school or Sixth Form.

Our programmes enable students aged 12-18 to gain practical industry experience alongside top professionals so that they can make the right career decisions and maximise their potential. Programmes are available in 15 competitive careers and are hosted on UCL campus in London. We deliver weekend programmes throughout the year, as well as 1–2-week summer programmes, with residential options in university halls of residence. Boost your UCAS application with life-changing work experience this summer!

InvestIn Education Ltd

Beaumont Midtown, 322 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7PB

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Medicine, Engineering, Law, Investment Banking, Psychology, Computer Science, Architecture, Art, Dentistry, Entrepreneurship, Fashion Design, Filmmaking, Forensic Science, Politics, Veterinary Science

Contact details



UCL Campus, London Gower St, London, WC1E 6BT

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