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Inspiring choices and progression to HE

Date and location
This event has now finished
Providing information on progression options, alongside insight from higher education providers, this one-day event will equip you with the information you need to support and inspire your students’ choices.

A one-day conference for those advising students on making choices, progression routes, and applying to higher education. 

  • Get up-to-date on UCAS changes and developments.
  • Hear from a wide range of experienced professionals from UCAS, higher education providers, and key organisations supporting progression.
  • Gather practical information on progression options, to take back to your students.
  • Share experiences and best practice with colleagues from schools and colleges.
  • Attend a choice of interactive, practical breakout sessions.

Opening times

Wed 29 November 2017

Who should attend

  • Teachers, tutors, heads of sixth form, head teachers, and advisers from schools and post-16 colleges
  • Careers advisers
  • Heads of student services

Contact us

For delegate and booking enquiries
01242 544 808