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Our detailed sector-level data resources for the end of the 2019 application cycle.

The sector-level end of cycle data resources are accompanied by the release of provider-level end of cycle data resources, and unconditional offer-making provider reports.

They are also accompanied by the release of End of Cycle Reports.

The resources cover applicants and applications to courses in the UK recruited through UCAS. In Scotland, there is a substantial section of provision, representing around a third of young full-time undergraduate study in Scotland, that is not included in UCAS’ figures. For people living in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, UCAS covers the overwhelming majority of full-time undergraduate provision.

In 2015, around 120 courses at providers in Scotland that were previously part of the UCAS Teacher Training scheme, moved into the UCAS Undergraduate scheme. The numbers for providers in Scotland in 2015 and later recorded through the the UCAS Undergraduate scheme will include those which were previously part of UCAS Teacher Training – estimated to be around 2,000 acceptances per year, mostly aged 21 or over.

Further information

Technical notes and definitions are available above in the help section of the dashboard.

Four updates have been added on 26 March 2020:

Acceptance route

A number of supplementary data resources were published, adding acceptance route as a further breakdown to many of the existing breakdowns. 

Entry rate by parliamentary constituency

A data file containing entry rates by parliamentary constituency was added to the Geography section.

Unknown POLAR4 and IMD quintiles

To make the existence of unknown POLAR4 and IMD quintiles more clear, their totals have been added to all relevant data files and dashboard pages.

Disability - no disability declared

The disability page in the dashboard was updated to include the 'No disability' category in the table, in order to compare more easily to the total UK figure.

Two updates have been added on 3 February 2020:

UK region of applicant (derived from declared county of residence)

On 3 February, UCAS published 13 additional data resource CSVs relating to UK region, as derived from an applicant’s declared county of residence. These data resources are consistent with the UK region resources published in the 2018 end of cycle data resources. They are alternatives to the previously published 2019 end of cycle UK region data resources, which use UK region derived from an applicant’s postcode.

Ethnic group

The ethnic group page of the end of cycle dashboard was updated, to include the ‘Unknown’ ethnic group.

An update has been added on 30 January 2020:

Equality in England

On 30 January, chapter 10 of our 2019 End of Cycle Report, ‘Equality in England’, was published. Three accompanying report pages were added to the Widening participation and access section of the dashboard, under the Equality in England heading.

Two updates have been added on 23 January 2020:

UK region of applicant

A small number of English applicants whose postcode was not matched to a region were not included in the UK region section of the interactive explorer. This meant that the total number of English applicants reported was slightly lower on this page than on the applicant domicile page. This has now been rectified – all English applicants without a region have now been assigned as ‘Unknown’.

NIMDM 2017, SIMD 2012/2016 and WIMD 2014 entry rates by gender and year

A minor update has been made to the interactive data explorer to more accurately redistribute applicants not assigned a quintile. This has resulted in minor changes (of up to 1 percentage point) in some entry rates for the above variables.

An update has been added on 19 December 2019:

School type

The current school type is now applied across the whole time series, rather than the school type in place during the specified application cycle.

CSV reports are available in the drop-down menus below:

Download the full set of CSV reports published on 28 November (2.77 MB)

Download the full set of CSV reports published on 17 December (10.12 MB)