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Make the most of Outreach Evaluator to track groups of individuals into the higher education system using our data. Get evidence of return on investment for brand awareness, engagement, widening participation and outreach activities.

Outreach Evaluator provides robust statistical evidence on the impacts of engagement activities for higher education providers and charitable organisations.

Outreach Evaluator provides anonymised information on a cohort of individuals, supplied by your organisation. Typically these are people who you’ve interacted with in some way, through a programme or intervention your organisation has delivered. 

We match your data with our own university applicant data to evidence the number of young people who achieve a specific outcome, benchmarking your performance against the national average, an appropriate control group, and, for universities, your competition.  

The information provided relates to every stage of the higher education admissions process, from application to acceptance, including the main cycle, EXTRA and Clearing. Plus you can get important reports in-cycle, meaning you can gain intelligence in real-time.

Answering diverse questions

The amazing thing about Outreach Evaluator is its diversity. It can be used to answer a whole array of questions and help with important planning, such as measuring the impact of campaigns, engagements and open events in terms of applications and accepts, as well as the user of use of higher education access rates, alongside estimates of graduate earnings, to demonstrate the lifetime value of an intervention for an individual.

Benchmarking open events against competitors

UCAS regularly works with higher education providers to gauge the impact of their open events using Outreach Evaluator. In fact, recently, data matches revealed that a specific university’s open day was underperforming against competitors, converting 37% through to application compared to 44%. This enabled the university to change tack in-year to improve their events and regain market share.
Evidencing WP impact using Outreach Evaluator
A well-known national charity uses Outreach Evaluator to measure and promote the positive impact of the work they’re doing to engage young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in higher education. Alongside gaining measurable evidence about the positive difference they’re making, the charity promotes their achievements to secure important stakeholder funding. This is critical to them continuing to pursue their philanthropic mission.

How does it work?

The information provided by Outreach Evaluator relates to every stage of the higher education admissions process. For each stage, Outreach Evaluator will compare the data supplied by your organisation with an appropriate control group, and report on any significant change achieved. You can gain insight into: 

  • specific segments, enabling evaluation of multiple interventions, or the use of a user-defined control group

  • which higher education providers, or groups of higher education providers the groups of individuals have applied to

You'll get insights at every application stage:

  • Applications by the individuals, and the route through which they were made.
  • Offers made to these applicants from higher education providers, and whether they were conditional or unconditional.
  • Replies to offers made by these applicants to the providers, and if they were firm or insurance choices.
  • Acceptances to higher education, and the route through which this acceptance was gained.


There are three pricing structures for Outreach Evaluator:

Small datasets

A high resolution service, priced at £5 per record submitted. This includes the full Outreach Evaluator functionality.

Large datasets

A low resolution service, available at a flat fee of £2,000, as a price per record strategy is not feasible for large numbers. Full Outreach Evaluator functionality for large datasets requires a link to EXACT – email for more information.

Charitable interventions

We offer a public benefit service, where under certain circumstances, Outreach Evaluator can be accessed at no cost. Email for more information.


The legal bit

You must have permission to share individuals’ data with UCAS.

Outreach Evaluator terms of service are available on request. These are deemed as accepted on receipt on third party data.

Data will be transferred via SFTP.

Data will be destroyed after use for the business purpose.


Being ISO 27001 certified means we adhere to the highest international standards for information security management. At UCAS, this certification underscores our commitment to safeguarding the sensitive data entrusted to us. It assures our clients that their information is handled with the utmost care and protection. Our certification not only ensures compliance but also signifies our dedication to maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of data.