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UCAS registered centres – mergers and new names

Please complete this form if you are:

  • changing the name of your school or centre 
  • merging with another school(s) or centre(s)
1. Who are you and where are you from?
You will find it in Apply for advisers, set up, centre details – in 'further details'.
2. Complete only if you are changing the name of your school or centre
3. Complete if you are merging with another school(s) or centre(s)
List the school(s) or centre(s) that are merging with you. If you have completed section 2, we will use this as your new name for merged centres.
School or centre name
UCAS registered centre code (its unique five-digit number)
School or centre name
UCAS registered centre code (its unique five-digit number)
School or centre name
UCAS registered centre code (its unique five-digit number)
School or centre name
UCAS registered centre code (its unique five-digit number)
Submit details
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