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For the first time, over a quarter of 18 year old applicants from England, Northern Ireland, and Wales have received a ‘conditional unconditional’ offer for an undergraduate place. However, they are less likely than ever to accept this type of offer.
Posted Tue 17 December 2019 - 00:01

In 2019, 64,825 students (25.1% of this group of applicants) received at least one of these offers, which are initially made by the university as conditional, then updated to unconditional if the offer is accepted as the student’s first (firm) choice. This is an increase from 53,355 students in 2018, which represented just over a fifth (20.9%) of the group.

Analysis published in ‘Unconditional Offers – The Applicant Experience’, as part of UCAS’ 2019 End of Cycle Report reveals that applicants are now only marginally more likely to choose a conditional unconditional offer as their firm choice than any other offer. For those applicants holding five offers that include just one conditional unconditional offer, only 20.6% of applicants chose to accept the conditional unconditional. This is down from 25.6% in 2014. Students with higher predicted grades are less likely to accept this type of offer than those with lower predicted grades.

While waiting for their exam results, applicants who held an unconditional firm choice are more likely to feel calmer and less stressed than those holding a conditional firm offer according to over 30,000 survey respondents.

However, as last year, applicants with an unconditional firm choice are more likely to miss their predicted grades. In 2019, 43% of applicants holding a conditional firm offer missed their predicted A level attainment by three or more grades, compared to 57% of applicants holding an unconditional firm.

Highlights from the other chapters published today show:

  • 37.7% of 18 year old applicants from England, Northern Ireland, and Wales received an offer with an unconditional component
  • record entry rates for English and Welsh 18 year olds, 35% and 29.8% respectively  
  • an all-time high of 44.5% of 18 year olds from London accepted into higher education
  • accepted Chinese students increase by 22%, resulting in non- EU acceptances reaching a record of 45,140   
  • the entry rate gap between the most and least advantaged to higher tariff universities is now the lowest ever, after narrowing by 8% in 2019  
  • record entry rates for all POLAR4 groups of UK 18 year olds in 2019 
  • almost 20% increase in accepted students declaring a mental health condition
  • only 58% of UK 18 year olds apply with only A levels, down 1.2% from 2018
  • 43% of accepted applicants had a difference of three of more A level points between their predicted and achieved grades, an increase from 38% in 2018. UCAS is actively working with schools, colleges, and universities to improve the accuracy of predicted grades, recently publishing updated good practice guidance and exploring data-driven models to support advisers with their predictions

Detailed analysis can be found in the chapters published today, with all statistics included in our new interactive dashboard, allowing users to visualise and tailor the reporting to their own specifications.

Clare Marchant, UCAS’ Chief Executive, said, 'Students are considering their offers more carefully than ever, with the type of offer they receive having less of an impact than before. Our advice to students is to always think about what’s most important for them when deciding which offers to accept.

‘Unconditional offers remain a complex issue and our new insight will further inform the dialogue, forming a crucial contribution to the current admissions practice reviews. Their impact on attainment needs to be highlighted, though this must be seen alongside their role in widening participation activities and benefits to students’ mental health.

‘Most regional entry rates across the country have increased, with many now at record levels. The enduring appeal of studying in the UK is clear globally too, as the number of international students from outside the EU exceeds 45,000 for the first time.

‘It is particularly encouraging to see record entry rates of disadvantaged students starting university, and the equality gap at higher tariff narrow by a record 8% since last year. When looking at today’s numbers, we must remember that there are a variety of routes for young people today, with apprenticeships and technical education increasingly popular options. The new UCAS Hub can provide everyone with personalised and relevant information on the many choices available.’


UCAS Press Office

01242 545 469


Notes for editors

UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, is an independent charity, and the UK's shared admissions service for higher education. We manage almost three million applications, from around 700,000 people each year, for full-time undergraduate courses at over 370 universities and colleges across the UK.

Today is the second publication date of the 2019 End of Cycle Report. Further analysis will be published on Thursday 30 January 2020. For more details, see our timetable of upcoming analytical publications.

This cycle, we have revisited our definition of unconditional offers to increase the clarity of the definitions and for ease of understanding. There are now three distinct types of offer which fall within the broad category of unconditional offers:

  • Conditional unconditional offer – Offers which are conditional at the point of offer and adjusted by the provider from conditional to unconditional if selected as an applicant’s firm choice. These are identified in the admissions system through free text fields that providers can use to communicate any additional information to applicants.
  • Direct unconditional offer – Offers which are unconditional at the point of offer.
  • Other unconditional offer – Offers which are conditional at the point of offer and become unconditional before 30 June – the final date on which main scheme applications can be submitted, but which cannot be identified as conditional unconditional.

The total of these types of offer are referred to as offers with an unconditional component.

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