What happens next?

Thursday 19 December 2019, UCAS advice


What happens next?

So now you’ve sent your application you’re probably wondering what happens next. Look no further as we’ve got it covered in this short blog post!

1) Uni decisions 

Wondering when the unis will reply? If you applied by 15 January you’ll have a decision from each uni by 2 May.

Once a university has made a decision, you’ll see one of the following in Track:
  • conditional offer – you still need to meet some requirements – usually exam results
  • unconditional offer – you’ve already met the entry requirements and your place is confirmed. However, additional information such as a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check or proof of qualifications may need to be provided
  • invitation received – you’ve been invited to an interview. The date will usually be given in Track – if not, ring the uni for details
  • unsuccessful – you haven’t been accepted. The reason for this will sometimes be shown in Track, but you can contact the uni for feedback
  • withdrawn – the uni has withdrawn the choice. The reason will usually be in Track, but if not, give them a quick call if you need to
2) Replying to offers

If the uni offers you a place, you’ll need to reply to them once you have decisions from all the  unis you’ve applied to. Your reply by date will be listed in Track, but also check out our key dates to give you an idea of when you may need to reply. There are three types of replies you can make:
  • firm – this would be your first choice
  • insurance – this is your back-up choice if you don’t meet the conditions of your firm. You can only accept an insurance choice if your firm choice is a conditional offer
  • decline – you’d need to decline any other offers

3) Wait for exam results

Accepted a conditional offer? The next step is waiting for the unis to update your application based on your results. While you’re waiting, there are plenty of things to do to prepare for uni life. Why not get to know the universities better by attending open days, following them on social media, and getting the view from current students by checking out the UCAS bloggers.

Good luck with your application!

Got any further questions about your application? Then check out all our advice on ucas.com. You can also get in touch with our advisers on Facebook or Twitter who’ll be more than happy to help.

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