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Empowering neurodivergent learners: A strengths-based approach to university applications

Monday 17 March 2025, Widening access and participation

by Gemma Spencer, Lecturer in Pre-Registration Nursing, University of Central Lancashire

Empowering neurodivergent learners: A strengths-based approach to university applications

Gemma Spencer, Lecturer in Pre-Registration Nursing, University of Central Lancashire

Supporting neurodivergent learners in their journey to university is both a rewarding and crucial task. As teachers and careers advisers, your role in guiding these students can make all the difference to their academic and personal journeys. Neurodivergent learners can sometimes focus on the areas they struggle with; however, by adopting a strengths-based approach, you can help them showcase their unique abilities and potential.

Understanding the strengths-based approach

Developed within psychology, a strengths-based approach focuses on identifying and harnessing a person’s abilities and strengths rather than following a deficit-based model. 

Setting goals

Encourage learners to make connections between past experiences and future career aspirations. This can help universities to understand how their background has prepared them for university and their chosen career path.

Strength identification

Encourage learners to reflect on their strengths, achievements, and unique perspectives, and how they can apply them to their chosen field of study. Encourage learners to highlight how their neurodivergence has positively influenced their approach to learning and problem-solving. This can boost their self-confidence and help them to demonstrate their value in their personal statements. 

Supportive environment

Foster an inclusive and supportive environment where learners feel comfortable discussing their experiences. A mix of 1:1 and group sessions would help develop peer support networks. This is also a good way to develop communication skills about support needs at university.

Methods to achieve goals

Neurodivergent learners often benefit from clear, structured guidance. Break down the personal statement writing process into clear, manageable steps. UCAS has checklists and guides for personal statement writing and you can also find advice on some university websites.

Positive relationships

Supportive relationships are crucial as neurodivergent learners begin their transition to university. Meaningful conversations with active listening facilitate open communication about neurodivergence in education and shine a light on the abilities and perspectives it brings.  

Self-determined choices

A strengths-based approach, along with tailored support, can help to empower neurodivergent learners in confidently navigating the university application process and the choices they make for their future careers.

Tips to support strengths identification

  • Mind maps can be an excellent way for learners to identify their strengths.
  • Ask learners to brainstorm academic skills, personal qualities or hobbies where they have excelled or particularly enjoyed. These can be categorised into separate categories such as creative, analytical or interpersonal skills.
  • Consider facilitating feedback sessions from peers or teachers for an ‘outsider’ perspective on strengths.
  • Add specific examples of how they have demonstrated each strength to make the map more concrete and meaningful.