Revision Techniques
I'm sorry this post is a bit later than I originally intended. Revision seems to be taking over my life!
I'm sorry this post is a bit later than I originally intended. Revision seems to be taking over my life!
Continuing my little series on revision, today I want to talk about revision techniques. For a lot of people (myself included), it can be really boring when you feel like you're constantly doing the same thing, and when all your revision looks the same as well! Does not make it fun when you come to go over it again!
So I thought I'd share what I like to do, and ways in which I try and test myself and how I (attempt) to make it more interesting - because let's face it, revision is not the most fun activity!
Mind Maps
This is potentially my favourite technique and I think I might have a slight fixation with them! Sometimes they're really detailed and other times brief but I feel...