Easier for students, easier for providers
Clearing is the key that thousands of students use to find their future, as well as being a vital recruitment tool for providers. With record numbers of applicants now using UCAS systems, it’s an exciting, bustling, energetic, and busy place to be. Wouldn’t you like to be heard above the noise?
Clearing Plus lets you do just that.
35,820 registrations were made to providers of registrations in CP with providers with an enhanced profile
Clearing Plus matches students to their most suited courses available in Clearing
As a provider, you can add your courses and select criteria to target certain students, completely free of charge. And if you’d like to boost the most important subjects and stand out in the listings – with logos, taglines, and more real estate – we have enhanced listings and advertising options available too.
Over 70% of students who registered with enhanced providers in Clearing Plus later placed at one of those providers
You have full control over your listings in Clearing Plus, via your dashboard
From mid-June you can start setting up your courses via the easy interface, and add enhanced listings features, like logo and tagline, directly in the dashboard. Your listing will go live as soon as Clearing does, which is when you’ll also get access to interested applicants to build your database.
For display advertising (skyscraper and banner placements), we’ll help you choose the right place and time to run them.
18.7k learners registered with CP resulting in 49,650 registrations of interest to courses listed in CP.
Instant connections with interested students
Showcase your messaging alongside all your listings and get ahead of the competition with an enhanced profile.
Enhanced profiles are now included with triggered emails, reaching students directly when they express interest. Whether you prefer templated or bespoke emails that align with your brand, establish a meaningful connection by delivering vital information straight from your website.