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What happens after you've been accepted, and things to think about before you start your studies.

What happens next?

  • Once your place at uni is confirmed you don't need to do anything further in your application. Your chosen uni will send you details of what you need to do next.
  • It’s a good idea to spend some time preparing to start your course – there’s information below on the types of things to think about.
  • Be ready for the start of term – make sure you’ve looked in to managing your money, travel arrangements, course materials and where to find support once you arrive on campus.

Student finance

If you haven’t applied for student finance yet:

If you’ve applied but you need to make changes:

If your university or course has changed since you originally applied for student finance, you should update the details via your online account)

If you’ve applied and there are no changes

  • Check your payment status in your online account
  • Check your bank details are correct
  • Register on your course and get paid

Read our info on banking, budgeting, debts, and employment.


    • If you’re moving somewhere new make sure you’ve found a place to live. To help you make the right choice, read our accommodation advice
    • Whether it’s halls or privately rented, think about insurance, a TV licence, and any bills or supplies.