UCAS Application status: Sent!

Friday 20 December 2019, Applicant

by Sophie Gibbons

UCAS Application status: Sent!

Sophie Gibbons

Hello, my name is Sophie Gibbons, and I am currently attending college where I study a Level 3 UAL in Media Studies and Production as well as the Level 3 Extended Project Qualification.

I have now officially sent off my application to five different Universities where I will potentially be attending one of these five choices in 2019, and I am absolutely blown away by how nerve racking it was! I am surprised with how much of an affect this has had over me as I am usually quite a laid-back person, but no... clearly am not – I proved myself wrong, I am in fact the opposite.

So, I was sitting at my desk in college today and the realisation hit me... I need to send of my application! Even though I have an extended deadline compared to everyone else applying to university in my college, as me being the unique and impatient person I am, I decided to apply as an individual because the college didn't get me their buzzword quick enough.

The result of this now is me waiting... slouching impatiently, just simply waiting for a response that could potentially path my entire future. So, I guess you could say it's not too much of a big deal, except it is an enormous deal!

This is probably the most important application process I will ever complete, and truthfully it scares me as going to university has always been something that has been a constant want of mine, not only for the purpose of improving my knowledge of a subject but also because I believe it has the potential to improve your independence, your confidence and your entire drive for the future.

I'm not the cleverest of people, I didn't pass all my GCSE's however I am lucky enough to of found a hobby early in life, which is- drum roll please... Journalism. I just love the concept of Journalism, and the idea of being in a career you would enjoy waking up early for every morning which I am aiming on doing, but before I do this my plan is to attend university to help sculpt my future pathway and I believe my passion for Journalism will be one of the key reasons I will get into the University of my choice.

Therefore, if you are like me and have also recently sent your application off to all your different choices – I wish you the best of luck! Also, throughout this process just remember you’ve got this; have faith in yourself.

Fingers crossed...

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