The spark that showed me I'd made a difference - Ryan Watson

Thursday 21 March 2019, Teacher Training

by Ryan Watson

The spark that showed me I'd made a difference - Ryan Watson

Ryan Watson
Teaching is not something to go into light heartily, despite the fact I sort of fell into it. I found myself completely mesmerisedby the way primary education works today; being only 22 years old I assumed things wouldn't be that different from when I was at school.
However, the passion and excitement that is weaved into the curriculum is a wonderful thing to witness but also to be a part of. For me, each class I've worked with (for a considerable amount of time that is) I have loved each and every child because there has been a moment or a spark that has showed me how I've made a difference to that child's life.
It is those kinds of moments that make it all the worthwhile, and these moments are what will keep you going when it gets tough. Throughout the course there will be highs and lows and there have been many times where I've almost crumbled under the pressure. In spite of all of this, I have come so much further than I ever thought I could and have felt a huge sense of accomplishment when the hard work is recognised.
As long as you have passion and determination to reflect and to do better, you will get through teacher training and achieve everything you wanted and more. It is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I wouldn't change any of it for the world.


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